I know you're uncertain of the future. But frankly, so am I. We don't know how long it would take, or if it would even happen at all. But thats what hope's for. It keeps us happy while we wait, keeps us content for now. So at the end of it all, if it does happen, that hope has helped us prepare for it. If it doesn't, then at least during that time we were waiting, we were somewhat content.
Once whole, once broken, now sewn back together
Her moods as changing, as the turbulent weather.
But no matter the cost, with her hand in my palm,
I'll wait for her, for the weather to calm.
I'll keep thinking about that, and I hope you do too. I have...one last question for you.
"When alls been said and done, when this ink no longer shines,
Would you still allow me...to hold your hand in mine?"

Healing Poet
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