Monday, July 28, 2008

Born to a Solstice

A life that thrills the marble man
A life that fills the hole
Holds more value than the sculpted land
As that life becomes a goal

Experience gained through your amber eyes
Can never fool the best
For as the colours change, your eyes go blind
And memories are all you have left

You can live, but are you alive?
Is your spirit strong?
Not unless bound is your life
Between you and another, a bond.

Some memories fade, others stay
Etched into a failing spirit
But memories bring up what has gone away
Bring them back for a visit

Trails left on a summer solstice
It’s your choice to follow
But know which trail that should suffice
Lest it fades in the glow.

In the end, life rewards the waiting soul
Gives peace and removes strife
Joy not as a gift, but as a goal.
You live, but are you alive?

Healing Poet

Friday, July 25, 2008

Red on Black

Georgetown. Brings back so many memories. This may sound weird, but I miss dressing in professional attire. Oh well, life goes on

Friday, July 18, 2008

Words of Wisdom, Angels of Absolution

No one makes it alone. There's always someone in the background. Even if some kid claims he crawled up from the depths of some neighbourhood and brought himself up of his own accord, thats a downright lie. Someone, whether living or dead, would have inspired him to do so. No one makes it alone.

"True wisdom is attained when you begin to think with your heart and feel with your brain"
Confused? So was I when I read this one. Now I know. Do you?

"You want to know what magic is? Its not changing a pack of cards to a bird, no pulling rabbits out of hats, no slight of hand. You don't have to sell your soul to do it. Now, when you see someone in need, and you help them, that feeling you get? Thats magic. When Someone is crying and you hold them till they stop. Now thats real magic. The tiniest gesture a human can make is enough to make someone happy. Now the mystery"
A trusted friend said this to me once. He passed on already.

"You broke, burnt, shattered, tore, crushed, and other counless words which I won't bother to say, my heart. You were burning enough inside to leave me cold outside. You had no right, and yet you did it. And now, after I picked up the pieces, I finally put the last shard of myself back in place. As much as I want to return the favour to you, to drag you down, I am going to forgive you. I don't even know why I am doing this, only that I know I have to."
Don't know who said this. Actually I just cant remember.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others" - 'Our Deepest Fear' by Marianne Williamson. One of the most inspiring poems ever written.


Healing Poet

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sprung to my mind

The piano (The heart asks first/pleasure) by Michael Niman

Its just a piano/strings instrumental, but you can hear the emotion through every note. From the minor fall to the major lift, from the changes between minors and majors, when the strings sound their first note, its so...emotional.

Here are...some quotes that I found from a long time ago. Either I used them or they were said to me. I don't have to say whom I'm talking about because they know who they are :)

I never wished for someone who could offer me the moon and stars...just someone to lay down with and watch them is enough.

Sometimes loving can be so painful and difficult, but it's amazing to know that no matter howhard it is, loving someone is still the simplest reason why you always find yourself smiling."

Everyone in the world is scared. And sometimes, it takes two scared people to do one brave thing: to fall in love.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


It was night. The grass, warmed by day, was just beginning to cool into a mellow feel as the two of them lay down to watch the sky. they leaned against the trunk of a large birch. the only one for miles around. T
here was something magical about the place to them, how the grass was always smooth and the tree always seemed to be there, its branches sheltering them by day and yet allowing them to see the stars through its leaves by night. Her head was resting just under his. She was leaning into him. He was keeping her warm.

Their heartbeats were synchronised.

Then they saw, off in the distant heavens. One, then two, then they all cascaded across the darkness. Wave after wave of light shone through the black. She saw the comets first hand.

He chose to look at them through her eyes.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Raising Roses

Time to raise another few roses.

I raise a rose for someone who was, and still is, very special/very close to me. We may just be friends now, but it used to be more than that. Please know, I didn't want it to end like that. But I felt that otherwise I'd just hurt you even more if I pressed on with it. Please know that I still care for you

I raise a rose for two people, who for the past few weeks/months have been working themselves to the bone for school/other events. I wish you good luck, whether its exams or projects or performances that you have to do, I hope your load is lightened as time goes on.

Cheers, Healing Poet

Friday, July 11, 2008

First Chord

Adrenaline pumping, I'm standing out here
Sweating and waiting for the moment that
Will release us all. I hear them
from Behind the velvet

As we wait, others scurry around
Us, checking and prepping. Making
Sure no slipups are made.

At last, we are ready. The curtain rises
One strum, one beat, we are ready
We rock tonight.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A short piece

A life born on the plywood stage

Is bound by that which circumstance 
Cannot create, only discover. 

How true that is. Don't you think?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The 1st of a new tradition: Raising Roses

Its time I introduced a new tradition to this blog. Raising Roses will be a slightly more frequent version of Raise a Rose, which I am starting a group for in Facebook. Every now and then I will honour someone on this blog. I will raise a rose for them.

I raise a rose for A man I met in the street today. He seemed troubled. I hope that whatever he is thinking about will resolve itself.

I raise a rose for a former friend. (two actually, for this can apply to both of them). I hope she knows that I'm ok, just as I hope that she is ok

I raise a rose for the one who fell so far. I hav seen you pull yourself back up. I wish you all the best as you make your way back to where you once were.

I raise a rose for my grandfather. May he make a speedy recovery from the heart attack.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Nostalgic about GYLC (again)

Ok, its high time I uploaded pictures. here they are:

The morning sky in Washington DC.
My Roomates: Binsoo and Rushiel. Good times
Philadelphia. Don't ask about the sign or my hat
From left to right: Aswari, Katie Lee, Ashlynn, me, Katie P.E., and Cheryl
Dupont Circle fountain: Me, Hansen, Ossai, Darren, Pamela, and Deborah
New York cityline
Sunset and Lady Liberty: as seen from the cruise.
Thats all the pictures I want to upload for now. I'll upload more as and when I feel the need to
Healing Poet

Finally over that hump. I seriously was thinking about dropping. And even though I've refocused myself again, the idea is already there. Just hope I know what I'm doing.

Well on saturday met with GYLC friends for mugging session. Os, As, and my poly studies lol. We all just went to "create a learning environment", as andy put it. Well we actually did study. We also played bridge for like 20-30 minutes. I forget how long it actually was. It was Chris, Charis, Andy, Susana (charis's friend from vjc whom i just met that day) and me. It was nice to see them again. Even if we weren't all dressed professionally waiting for a simulation to take place.

Healing Poet

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

highs and lows

With every high, comes a low. At least thats how the saying goes. GYLC was great, but now that its over, I'm getting a bit....depressed? Not sure what word to use here. I'm more distant from my class than before I left, but I guess thats what happens when you don't have contact with them for three weeks. The workload isn't helping either. Missing a week of school sure can pile work up on you. I have alot of catching up to do.
Figures, im suffering from post GYLC depression
The fact is, all these things don't seem to matter much to me. I want to go back to GYLC. I liked it there. Being surrounded by people from different backgrounds and cultures...made me feel like I was back in Thailand again. I missed that. I still miss that. Even if it was only 12 days, in those 12 days, we did so much stuff together we sort of bonded lol. Almost like a 2nd family. Well that family is sort of spread out across the world. Sigh.

I've been thinking you know. Thinking a lot about whether this was something I really wanted to do. Sure, CMM is a great course. But lately, after going to GYLC, it's lost some of its appeal. I enjoy writing alot, but the writing I enjoy isn't the straightforward style they teach in journalism. I mean, what is the point in bringing the reader directly to the subject without them doing much thinking for themselves? I prefer a style of writing where the reader must make the journey themselves through the writing to get to the subject.

I've been thinking of dropping out of school. It isn't definite, I haven't thought much about it, just the "what if" phase. It would give me more time to work on my book. Richard Branson dropped out of high school, and look where he is now. Also, it would give me more time to do other things. Things that I've always wanted to try but never really had the time or guts to try. hmm. Makes you think doesn't it?

I want to be free, shake of these chains
And shackles that hold and hinder me
I want to jump up, grab the sky and be
Somebody, somebody that everyone
knows, that everyone loves, Someone
Who lives the life he wants to

Is that too much to ask?