Hello there friend.
Use your time to be happy
You are a walking marvel
You have n equal
You are unique, ireeplaceable.
Did you know that?
Why aren't you surprsed?
Why aren't you glad, astonished
about yourself
and about everyone else
you know?
Do you think that it's so natural,
so obvious,
that you are alive,
that you can go on living,
that you are given time
to sing and dance,
and to be happy?
Why then lose your time
in senseless pursuit
of money and possessions?
Why make a rowd of worries
of tomorrow and days after tomorrow?
Why quarrel, bore yourself?
Why drown yourself in empty amusements
and then sleep when the sun shines?
Take your time quietly and be happy
Time is no speedway
between the cradle and the grave
but space
to find a place in the sun
Hello there by Phil Bosmans.
Cheers and Waiting
Healing Poet
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