Wednesday, July 2, 2008

highs and lows

With every high, comes a low. At least thats how the saying goes. GYLC was great, but now that its over, I'm getting a bit....depressed? Not sure what word to use here. I'm more distant from my class than before I left, but I guess thats what happens when you don't have contact with them for three weeks. The workload isn't helping either. Missing a week of school sure can pile work up on you. I have alot of catching up to do.
Figures, im suffering from post GYLC depression
The fact is, all these things don't seem to matter much to me. I want to go back to GYLC. I liked it there. Being surrounded by people from different backgrounds and cultures...made me feel like I was back in Thailand again. I missed that. I still miss that. Even if it was only 12 days, in those 12 days, we did so much stuff together we sort of bonded lol. Almost like a 2nd family. Well that family is sort of spread out across the world. Sigh.

I've been thinking you know. Thinking a lot about whether this was something I really wanted to do. Sure, CMM is a great course. But lately, after going to GYLC, it's lost some of its appeal. I enjoy writing alot, but the writing I enjoy isn't the straightforward style they teach in journalism. I mean, what is the point in bringing the reader directly to the subject without them doing much thinking for themselves? I prefer a style of writing where the reader must make the journey themselves through the writing to get to the subject.

I've been thinking of dropping out of school. It isn't definite, I haven't thought much about it, just the "what if" phase. It would give me more time to work on my book. Richard Branson dropped out of high school, and look where he is now. Also, it would give me more time to do other things. Things that I've always wanted to try but never really had the time or guts to try. hmm. Makes you think doesn't it?

I want to be free, shake of these chains
And shackles that hold and hinder me
I want to jump up, grab the sky and be
Somebody, somebody that everyone
knows, that everyone loves, Someone
Who lives the life he wants to

Is that too much to ask?