Friday, June 20, 2008

Global Scholar

Currently in :Sheraton National Hotel, Arlington VA

well the conference is actually quite fun lol. Just that we have really weird timings sometimes. got to see the white house and the holocaust museum. even went to the lincoln memorial. today we're doing a simulation for the UN security council. hope I get Ambassador as a role. Alot easier for me

Hmm, didn't expect that to be said. Oh well, what's done is done. Don't worry.
thats all i have to say for now. the following is an excerpt from the book I'm writing. Enjoy :)

"The sun rises anew everyday. The Eastern Light casts long shadows across the rocks and trees. As it rises, the shadows retreat, till they are almost non existent, when the sun is highest in the sky, only visible in cracks and crevices. Then, as it drops, shadows become bolder, creeping out of their holes and pits. Till finally, the Western Fire falls, and the world is once agen plunged into darkness. Even then, we are not made blind, for we are granted the stars, small pinpricks of light, the very beacons of hope we strive for."

Healing Poet